Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Ole Birthday



Today is a wonderful day, it is the hubs birthday.  But, as usually my 'wing-man' didn't get to be home for us to celebrate it.  Well, correction, he was 'home' but only for a few hours this morning and then he was off on a jet plane for the week. 

Daddy's birthday breakfast with candle :)
We made the most of today though and had a birthday breakfast in our short time, sang 'Happy Birthday, Daddy!' as many times as we could squeeze into our short time together.

But just in case Daddy, you are reading this, let me squeeeeeezzzzzeeee in one more song!

Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday to Daddy!
Happy Birthday to you!

And the littlest MoNkEy wasn't left out of the celebrations, he was helping Mom take the picture... but when he wasn't helping me he was posing so handsomely...  So Daddy, he is a cute and quirky smile just for you:

littlest MoNkEy wishing Daddy a Happy Birthay!
But shortly after all this breakfast fun, he has to rush off to depart on a jetplane...  Go VROOOMMMMM and EEECCCKKKK!  ;)

But no worries, he got some birthday celebrations, spread over the course of a couple of days.  The cutest though was him opening his gift from my parents (Nonny and Poppy)

No matter how 'old' you are unwrapping a gift is ALWAYS so much fun!  But loving what is inside the package is AWESOME!!!  And he LOVED this gift....

Oh and ladies... He is taken - Ha! ;)

Another year come and gone, and WHAT a year it was....  Hubs, I look forward to the many many many many many many many many many many many more that are to come!

Happy Birthday - I LOVE YOU!!!

Until next time, Squeeze your MoNkEYs tight!

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