Thursday, January 13, 2011


I was tootling around today, in otherwords, procrastinating... jumped onto my public Etsy view site and saw something that shocks my britches!!!!

and then to top it off....

OVER 200 - 100% postive feedback!!!!!!!

I LOVE IT!!!  I am so flabergasted at the success of my lil ole 'sweatshop' ;O)  Or as my hubs calls it, my nightly affair with a very fine Swiss named 'Berni'.  And no, he doesn't mean any funny business... he is talking about my lovely Bernina :o)

There are so many nights that I am up late working on orders, but I wouldn't trade it!  I love my life and LOVE what I am doing... so for that...

I tip my hat to ALL of you wonderful customers and friends and family members of mine that have made this possible

It has been an incredible week, a busy week, and I can't wait to get my wholesale shipment in today.  Well, most likely tonight, see my house seems to be the LAST stop on the UPS/ FEDEX delivery route... They usually show up around 7 or 8pm - BOOO!!  But... there is something NEW, that I am going to test out to see if it is worth offering... so say tuned...

Until then, Hugged your MoNkEyS!

*Card picture is courtsey of a very fun and fabulous shop off Etsy, please go check it out: Burley Girl Designs


  1. Congrats! What number was my order?!

  2. You were the beautiful #406 :o) Thank you so much!!! And your order will ship out no later than Monday :o) Y'all have a fabulous weekend!!!
