Thursday, January 5, 2012


Day 7

YEAH!  Today is the end of week one! And not only is that wonderful, but today I am

25 weeks

What an exciting number, each day he is getting stronger and we are conquering this battle of his sooner than later arrival.  I remind myself each morning, why I am sitting here, and why I am doing what I am doing... and the end result is what I am looking forward too: A healthy, happy, handsome precious little boy to add to my already precious and beautiful family.

Each morning, I get a scripture and prayer with my meal.  This mornings, was so perfect for the perfect day.

It's hard not to smile today, knowing that one week is down and he is one week stronger, but just in case I needed a little pep in my step or a pick me up, I had an awesome day of visitors.  A dear friend who I love dearly and could talk to for hours came up this afternoon, and then later in the evening I got to see my boys!

That is always such a special treat.  They bring so much joy and laughter to my life, they brighten up this beige room, and make my entire week!!!

They brought dinner, and I got to sit and eat with them.  A small feeling of being at home with them, making sure the food was laid out, putting their straw in the chocolate milk, tearing up the chicken nuggets into pieces for easier eating... it is all the things that I did everyday, that seemed like a chore, but that I miss so dearly right now.

After their bellies were full, we ventured out to see the 'phish'  and then just hung out and snuggled, colored, and played Angry birds :o)   It was perfect!

Aren't they Handsome!!

 Thank you all for your prayers and support.  We did it, one week down and hopefully many more to go.  God is so good!

Until next time, squeeze your MoNkEyS tight!

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